Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Driving into the Sun by Dev Bentham

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23123831-driving-into-the-sun

Author Name: Dev Bentham

Author Bio: Dev Bentham writes soulful m/m romance. Her characters are flawed and damaged adult men who may not even know what they are missing, but whose lives are transformed by true love.

Author Contact: email: devbentham@yahoo.com, website: www.devbentham.com

Publisher: Loose Id

Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde

Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance

Bad choices. We all make them, some more than others. Dusty’s choices have left him unemployed, broke and practically homeless. Despite the major issues he has with his family, his only rational choice is to sell everything and move into his parents’ basement. At thirty. Looking for a ride west, he answers a phone ad. The voice at the other end of the line flows like dark, rich honey. Finally something to look forward to—listening to Joe’s voice all the way from Illinois to Idaho.
Rather than the hip crooner of Dusty’s fantasies, Joe turns out to look more like a panhandler. Is that because Joe dresses down, or are Dusty’s preconceptions about Native Americans clouding his vision? Joe is silent more often than not. He has a complicated past and still has amends to make. But he is ready to move on. Dusty feels trapped. Two damaged men, one small car driving two thousand miles into the sun—sometimes things need to break down before they can get fixed.

When Joe finished with the hand, he put his fingers under Dusty’s chin and tipped his face toward the light. His touch was gentle, like a lover right before a first kiss. Dusty’s lips opened as he stared up into Joe’s dark brown eyes. Joe’s gaze flicked to Dusty’s mouth, then away. He wet some gauze and began dabbing at Dusty’s cheek. Dusty had forgotten about scrape on his face. Now it stung. So much for the moment before a kiss. He bit the inside of his lip to keep from pulling away.
“Don’t worry.” Joe’s voice was soft, amused. “This won’t scar your handsome face.”
Dusty rolled his eyes. Handsome was about the last thing he’d call himself tonight. Still, he found himself smiling at the thought.

Tour Dates: 9/23/14

Rafflecopter Prize: E-book copy of ‘Driving Into the Sun’


  1. What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you? Hm. . . don't know if its considered romantic, BUT once when I couldn't do it because of family illness, someone I was dating drove across three states and back to pick up a puppy I'd purchased and bring her home to me.
